Jay Zigmont, PhD, MBA, CFP®

Podcast - Dr Jay with Elayne Fluker on her show, Support is Sexy

Dr Jay and Elayne Fluker did a live chat on LinkedIn which was shared on Elayne's Support is Sexy podcast about everything Childfree and Financial Independence.  

From the Support is Sexy episode notes:

"Who's going to take care of me when I'm old?" As someone who is childfree (and who is also primary caregiver for my elderly parents), I have often asked myself this question. In fact, the question gave me lots of anxiety. That is until I came across a recent article featuring Childfree Wealth Specialist Jay Zigmont. Jay Zigmont is an Advice-Only, Fee-Only, Fiduciary, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. He holds a PhD is in Adult Learning from the University of Mississippi and he has been featured in Wall Street Journal, Market Watch, Business Insider and more. Jay provides life and financial planning advice to childfree individuals. As one of only few men to appear as a solo guest on Support is Sexy podcast, I asked him to join me for a LIVE CHAT to talk about being childfree, financial independence and what his top financial tips are that we should keep in mind for peace of mind. Here's a replay of our great conversation!