Fourth Meeting with a CFP® - Benefits and Budgeting

Mar 2 / Jay Zigmont, PhD, MBA, CFP®

Anna (from We're Not Kidding) and her husband, Grant agreed to have their financial planning process recorded and shared. Get a rare look behind the scenes of what it is like to work with a CFP® professional.  This is the fourth session we held.  Here is the first one, the second one and the third one

In this session, we start by diving into employee benefits.  Each year during open enrollment you have an opportunity to pick benefits, and you always want to see how things have changed.  
A bit of background to this video...  This is our fourth meeting, but this is their first month following a budget.  The first month never goes perfect.  

In addition to tackling benefits, we talk about balancing dining out, spending, and goals (such as travel).  It is possible to be on a budget and still travel, it just takes a bit of planning. 
A disclaimer to the above video: Anna and Grant have agreed to have their financial planning sessions recorded and shared. They are not being paid for this session or paying for financial planning with me. If you are watching this session, remember that the advice I am giving to Anna and Grant is for them only, and should be considered education or entertainment for your purposes.