Work With Us

Flexible life planning and financial management through a childfree lens.


Simple finances, amazing childfree life.

Help whenever you need us

Our service isn’t a one-and-done. We’re an ongoing partner to help you live the childfree life you want for years to come.

Questions? Just email your Childfree Wealth Specialist®.

A plan for now and the future

Peace of mind is just a plan away.

Enjoy your life today and ensure you have a plan to care for yourself and your loved ones later.

Tailored to your dreams

We’ll help you plan and fund the lifestyle you want now—and make adjustments when that changes, no matter how many times it happens.

Your life is dynamic. So are we.

accountant calculating numbers

You shouldn’t feel trapped in your financial plan.

With no kids in the picture, you’ve got a lot of freedom to do what you want with your life. (And it’s a lot easier to change your plan!)

A traditional firm might hand you a massive financial plan that’s set in stone. But Childfree Wealth® is nimble enough to make adjustments on the fly as your plans change — because we view your life and finances through a unique childfree lens.

How We Can Help

Our services will help you craft (and fund) the life you want to live, and take care of your future.

Life Planning

Retirement Planning

Cash-flow Planning



Long-term Care

Estate Planning

Charitable Giving

Investment Management

Vacation budgeting

Schedule your Childfree Wealth® Checkup

We work for you.


No matter your net worth, you pay a flat $10,000 annual fee for our services — so there are no surprises.


We don’t make commissions on products or transactions — you’re the only one paying us, so we work for you.


We act in your best interests — so we can make your dreams of an amazing childfree life a reality.

You’ve got a team behind you.

In addition to the Childfree Wealth Specialist®, you’ll meet with regularly, you’ll also have a team supporting you behind the scenes, including a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and a paraplanner who dots the Is and crosses the Ts.

Start Here: Your Childfree Wealth® Checkup

Every client relationship starts with our Childfree Wealth® Checkup, a 60-minute deep dive that’s equal parts vision board and spreadsheet.

Of course, you and your Childfree Wealth Specialist® will get into the dollars and cents of your financial landscape through a childfree lens. But you’ll also walk away with a permission slip to make unconventional choices—because when you’re childfree, you can do that.

The Childfree Wealth® Checkup isn’t a sales call for our services—it’ll give you a roadmap to simplifying your finances, whether you invite us to help you or decide to manage them yourself.

Don’t put off your amazing childfree life!
Let’s make a plan.

Frequently asked questions

What is included in my $10,000 yearly fee?

All life planning and financial management services mentioned on this page are included with your fee.

We offer concierge-level service and can help you coordinate or even facilitate communication with other financial professionals.

Finally, you’ll also have access to our financial planning software, RightCapital, and membership in our academy, with hundreds of videos and resources to answer your questions.

Can you help me plan care for myself and loved ones?

Of course. We’ll help you create a plan to take care of your loved ones and you as you age, including:

  • Long-term care
  • Estate planning
  • Charitable giving
  • Elder care planning
What’s a Childfree Wealth Specialist®?
A Childfree Wealth Specialist is a life-planning and financial professional who’s been specially trained to serve the unique needs and circumstances of childfree people.
How often will I meet with my Childfree Wealth Specialist®?

Plan to meet with us monthly for about a year. Once you have a plan in place and are stable in your financial management, we’ll reevaluate how often we meet based on your ongoing needs.

Remember, flexibility is key! Bottom line: If you’re a client and need to talk, we’re happy to meet with you.

What does “childfree” really mean?
If you don’t have kids and never will, you’re childfree—and we’re here for you. You’re not childfree if you…
❌ Don’t have kids yet but plan to
❌ Have kids in college
❌ Are empty nesters
Couldn’t I do all this myself?

If you receive the findings from your Childfree Wealth Checkup and would prefer to handle your life planning and financial management on your own, great!

Some of our clients have had success doing it themselves. Others have found it intimidating and time-consuming after some time and joined us as ongoing clients. Your experience may vary.