The first planning firm dedicated to people without kids

Simplify your finances — and let your amazing childfree life unfold.

Schedule your Childfree Wealth® Checkup

Life without kids is different.

  • Folks have a lot of opinions about childfree people. But most don’t understand what life without kids is like — and that includes financial planners.
  • Traditional financial planners follow a predictable life script. But the movie is so much better when you write it yourself.
  • Constantly building wealth and white picket fences isn’t for everybody. When you’re childfree, anything is possible!

Things are about to get exciting… It’s time to give your life the starring role, and make money your supporting cast.

Do what you love

Pursue passion projects. Make work optional. Travel or live abroad. It’s your life!

Make an impact

Leave your mark on the world — without a genetic legacy.

Plan for future care

Set aside money and create a plan that will support you as you age.

Your amazing childfree life starts here.

Every client relationship starts with our Childfree Wealth® Checkup, a 60-minute deep dive that’s equal parts vision board and spreadsheet. Of course, you and your Childfree Wealth Specialist® will get into the dollars and cents of your financial landscape.

But you’ll also walk away with a permission slip to make unconventional choices — because when you’re childfree, you can do that.

The Childfree Wealth® Checkup will help you envision your dream life while looking at your finances through a childfree lens. With a clear view of what’s possible, you can create a plan to make the childfree life you’re building even better.

Let’s make a plan.

We don’t just understand what it means to be childfree: We’ll work to understand what it means for you, so we can give you the best–possible advice. We take a multifaceted approach to financial, life, and estate planning, including:

  • Life planning
  • Cash-flow planning
  • Investing
  • Taxes
  • Retirement
  • Long-term care
  • Estate planning
  • Charitable giving
  • Insurance planning
  • Elder care planning

Your individual financial roadmap will be as unique as you and the plans you’re making.

Schedule your Childfree Wealth® Checkup

We work for you.


No matter your net worth, you pay an annual fee for our services — so there are no surprises.


We don’t make commissions on products or transactions — you’re the only one paying us, so we work for you.


We act in your best interests — so we can make your dreams of an amazing childfree life a reality.

Hi, I’m Dr. Jay,

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® who’s also childfree, I’ve seen how the financial landscape works for people without kids — from both sides.

I started Childfree Wealth® because millions of us may be getting bad financial advice from traditional planners who don’t understand the unique circumstances and needs of non-parents. We work with childfree and permanently childless people like you to create simple financial plans that fuel their amazing (and sometimes unconventional) lives.

Want to get to know us before you introduce yourself? Learn more about our Childfree Wealth Specialists® and the rest of our team.

Featured In:

Dr. Jay's New book!

The Childfree Guide to Life and Money: Make Your Finances Simple So Your Life Without Kids Can Be Amazing


Don’t put off your amazing childfree life!
Let’s make a plan.

Frequently asked questions

What services does Childfree Wealth® offer?

Childfree Wealth® is a Registered Investment Advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). We provide comprehensive life and financial planning services including: Investment advice and management, tax planning, estate planning, insurance planning, cash flow and spending planning, and more. Our Childfree Wealth Specialists® are experts in Childfree life and finances. Each team of experts includes at least one CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®. We are a fee-only, flat-fee, fiduciary.

How is Childfree Wealth® different?
Childfree Wealth is a life and financial planning firm dedicated to serving childfree and permanently childless people. We define childfree as people who don’t have children and aren’t planning on having them. Because we specialize in serving the 25% of the US that will never have kids, we have a unique, ongoing life and financial planning process that is tailored for childfree people. We know and serve childfree people like you.
Why do I need an advisor?

You may or may not need an advisor. There are many things you can do on your own. The problem with doing things on your own is that you may miss things or not understand how one decision impacts another. For example, you can follow a simple investing strategy, but tax planning can be very complex. It is also possible to make a financial plan that works but misses your life goals. Working with a Childfree Wealth Specialist® can help you plan for both your life and finances, with the goal being to simplify your finances so that you can live an amazing life!

I have an advisor, why should I speak with you?

If you are happy with your advisor, that’s great! The key is to ask them how your plan is different because you are Childfree. If they say it isn’t different, or that you might change your mind, you may need to change your advisor. If they are charging you a percentage of your assets, they may also have a conflict of interest, especially if you don’t have a goal of passing on millions to the next generation. Our Childfree Wealth Specialists® are experts in Childfree life and finances, can your advisor say the same?

What’s covered in a Childfree Wealth® Checkup? What does it cost?

Our first step is to dive into your life and finances and look at it through a Childfree lens. We call that our Childfree Wealth® Check-up and we charge $250 for it. You give us as much information as you can, we analyze it, and then meet with you. In the end you walk out with a report on what is working and what can be even better yet. We will also help identify areas you can work on yourself, and areas where you may want to work with a professional.

What's covered as a Core Client for Childfree Wealth®? What does it cost?

We charge $10,000 per year for ongoing life and financial planning. We call this our ‘Core’ product. With our ongoing planning you get regular meetings with our team, and get : Investment advice and management, tax planning, estate planning, insurance planning, cash flow and spending planning, and more, all included in the price. In the first year we tend to meet monthly to get things set, and then meet quarterly unless something changes.

How do I get started?

You start with a Childfree Wealth® Checkup . Use this as a second set of eyes on your current life and financial plan and a chance to see how your plan is different because you are Childfree.